Nos publications
Régulièrement, les équipes Gènes Diffusion publient des articles scientifiques dans des revues internationales.
First Epidemiological Survey on the Prevalence and Subtypes Distribution of the Enteric Parasite Blastocystis sp. in Vietnam. Nguyen LDN, Gantois N, Hoang, TT, Do BT, Desramaut J, Naguib D, Tran TN, Truong AD, Even G, Certad G, Chabé M, Viscogliosi E.
Animal, Herd and Feed Characteristics Associated with Blastocystis Prevalence and Molecular Diversity in Dairy Cattle from the North of France
Audebert C, Gantois N, Ducrocq S, Darras M, Merlin S, Martel S, Viscogliosi E, Even G, Chabé M
Detection, Molecular Identification and Transmission of the Intestinal Protozoa Blastocystis sp. in Guinea from a Large-Scale Epidemiological Study Conducted in the Conakry Area
Guilavogui T, Gantois N, Even G, Desramaut J, Dautel E, Denoyelle C, Ibrahima Cissé F, Cherif Touré S, Luther Kourouma B, Sawant M, Chabé M, Certad G, Viscogliosi E
A multiplex serological assay for the characterization of IgG immune response to SARS-CoV-2
Brochot E., Souplet V. , Follet P., Ponthieu P., Olivier C., Even G., Audebert C., Malbec R.
A CNN-based methodology for cow heat analysis from endoscopic images.
He R., Benhabiles H., Windal F., Even G., Audebert C., Decherf A., Collard D. & Taleb-Ahmed A.
A multiplex serological assay for the characterization of IgG immune response to SARS-CoV-2
Brochot E., Souplet V., Follet P., Ponthieu P., Olivier C., Even G., Audebert C., Malbec R.
Blastocystis sp. Prevalence and Subtypes Distribution amongst Syrian Refugee Communities Living in North Lebanon. Khaled S, Gantois N, Ayoubi A, Even G, Sawant M, El Houmayraa J, Nabot M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Chabé M, Certad G, El Safadi D, Dabboussi F, Hamze M, Viscogliosi, E.
Changes in the Human Gut Microbiota Associated With Colonization by Blastocystis sp. and Entamoeba spp. in Non-Industrialized Populations.
Even G, Lokmer A, Rodrigues J, Audebert C, Viscogliosi E, Ségurel L and Chabé M (2021)
Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol., March 2021
Prevalence and Subtype Distribution of Blastocystis sp. in Senegalese School Children.
Khaled S, Gantois N, Ly A.T, Senghor S, Even G, Dautel E, Dejager R, Sawant M, Baydoun M, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Chabé M, Ndiaye S, Schacht A.-M, Certad G, Riveau G, Viscogliosi E.
Agrodiag PorCoV: A multiplex immunoassay for the differential diagnosis of porcine enteric coronaviruses. Malbec R, Kimpston-Burkgren K, Vandenkoornhuyse E, Olivier C, Souplet V, Audebert C, Carrillo-Ávila JA, Baum D, Giménez-Lirola L.
Genetic basis for virulence differences of various Cryptosporidium parvum carcinogenic isolates. Audebert C, Bonardi F, Caboche S, Guyot K, Touzet H, Merlin S, Gantois N, Creusy C, Meloni D, Mouray A, Viscogliosi E, Certad G, Benamrouz-Vanneste S, Chabé M.
Respiratory mycobiome and suggestion of inter-kingdom network during acute pulmonary exacerbation in cystic fibrosis. Soret P, Vandenborght LE, Francis F, Coron N, Enaud R, Avalos M, Schaeverbeke T, Berger P, Fayon M, Thiebaut R, Delhaes L; Mucofong Investigation Group.
Porcine bacteriospermia examined by high-throughput sequencing. Even G, Mottais D, Morien F, Pham MD, Ostergaard A, Martel S, Merlin S, Audebert C.
The Impact of Bioinformatics Pipelines on Microbiota Studies: Does the Analytical “Microscope” Affect the Biological Interpretation? Siegwald L., Caboche S., Even G., Viscogliosi E, Chabé M.† and Audebert C.†
Prevalence, Molecular Identification, and Risk Factors for Cryptosporidium Infection in Edible Marine Fish: A Survey Across Sea Areas Surrounding France. Certad Gabriela1, Follet Jérôme, Gantois Nausicaa, Hammouma-Ghelboun Ourida, Guyot Karine, Benamrouz-Vanneste Sadia1, Fréalle Emilie, Seesao Yuwalee, Delaire Baptiste, Creusy Colette, Even Gaël, Verrez-Bagnis Veronique, Ryan Una, Gay Mélanie, Aliouat-Denis Cécile, Viscogliosi Eric
Frontiers in Microbiology, May 2019
The Formation of Glycan-Specific Natural Antibodies Repertoire in GalT-KO Mice Is Determined by Gut Microbiota. Daniel Bello-Gil1, Christophe Audebert, Sara Olivera-Ardid, Magdiel Pérez-Cruz, Gaël Even, Nailya Khasbiullina, Nausicaa Gantois, Nadezhda Shilova, Sophie Merlin, Cristina Costa, Nicolai Bovin and Rafael Mañez
Frontiers in Immunology, March 2019
Prospects for applications in human health of nanopore-based sequencing Audebert C, Hot D., & Caboche S.
Assessment of Common and Emerging Bioinformatics Pipelines for Targeted Metagenomics. Siegwald L., Touzet H., Lemoine Y., Hot D., Audebert C & Caboche S.
Targeted metagenomic sequencing data of human gut microbiota associated with Blastocystis colonization. Siegwald L., Audebert C., Even G., Viscogliosi E., Caboche S. & Chabé M.
MICRA: an automatic pipeline for fast characterization of microbial genomes from high-throughput sequencing data. Ségolène Caboche, Gaël Even, Alexandre Loywick, Christophe Audebert and David Hot
High association of Cryptosporidium spp. infection with colon adenocarcinoma in Lebanese patients. Marwan Osman, Sadia Benamrouz, Karine Guyot, Martha Baydoun, Emilie Frealle, Magali Chabe, Nausicaa Gantois, Baptiste Delaire, Anne Goffard, Albert Aoun, Nawaf Jurdi, Fouad Dabboussi, Gael Even, Christian Slomianny, Pierre Gosset, Monzer Hamze, Colette Creusy, Eric Viscogliosi, Gabriela Certad.
Colonization with the enteric protozoa Blastocystis is associated with increased diversity of human gut bacterial microbiota. Audebert C., Even G., Cian A., The Blastocystis Investigation Group, Loywick A., Merlin S., Viscogliosi E. & Chabé M.
A review of methods for nematode identification. Seesao Y, Gay M, Merlin S, Viscogliosi E, Aliouat-Denis CM, Audebert C.
Effects of Propidium Monoazide (PMA) Treatment on Mycobiome and Bacteriome Analysis of Cystic Fibrosis Airways during Exacerbation.Nguyen LD., Deschaght P., Merlin S., Loywick A., Audebert C., Van Daele S., Viscogliosi E., Vaneechoutte M., Delhaes L.
Photodynamic therapy relieves colitis and prevents colitis-associated carcinogenesis in mice. Reinhard A., Bressenot A., Dassonneville R., Loywick A., Hot D., Audebert C., Marchal S., Guillemin F., Chamaillard M., Peyrin-Biroulet L., Bezdetnaya L.
49 Propidium monoazide (PMA) sample pretreatment impacts the abundance of rare populations in high-throughput sequencing analysis of CF lung mycobiome and bacteriome. Nguyena L., Deschaght P., Merlin S., Loywick A., Audebert C., Viscogliosi E., Vaneechoutte M., Delhaes L.
Relationship Between Pneumocystis carinii Burden and the Degree of Host Immunosuppression in an Airborne Transmission Experimental Model. Khalife S., Chabé M., Gantois N., Audebert C, Pottier M., Hlais S., Pinçon C., Chassat T., Pierrot C., Khalife J., Aliouat-Denis CM., Aliouat EM.
J Eukaryot Microbiol. 2015 Oct 28
High-Throughput Sequencing, a Versatile Weapon to Support Genome-Based Diagnosis in Infectious Diseases: Applications to Clinical Bacteriology. Caboche S, Audebert C, Hot D
Pathogens 2014 2 Apr 2, 3, 258-279
Cryptosporidium parvum-induced ileo-caecal adenocarcinoma and WNT signaling in a rodent model. Benamrouz S, Conseil V, Chabe M, Praet M, Audebert C, Blervaque R, Guyot K, Gazzola S, Mouray A, Chassat T, Delaire B, Goetinck N, Gantois N, Osman M, Slomianny C, Dehennaut V, Lefebvre T, Viscogliosi E, Cuvelier C, Dei-Cas E, Creusy C, Certad G.
Comparison of mapping algorithms used in high-throughput sequencing: application to Ion Torrent data. Caboche S, Audebert C, Lemoine Y, Hot D
BMC Genomics. 2014 Apr 5;15(1):264
Monitoring of four DNA extraction methods upstream of high-throughput sequencing of Anisakidae nematodes. Seesao Y, Audebert C, Verrez-Bagnis V, Merlin S, Jérôme M, Viscogliosi E, Dei-Cas E, Aliouat-Denis CM, Gay M.
J Microbiol Methods. 2014 May 15, pii: S0167-7012(14)00125-0
An improved single-round PCR leads to rapid and highly sensitive detection of Pneumocystis spp. Chabé M, Khalife S, Gantois N, Even G, Audebert C
Med Mycol. 2014 Nov 1;52(8):841-6. doi: 10.1093/mmy/myu032. Epub 2014 Jun 25.
Le séquençage haut-débit – Vers un diagnostic basé sur la séquence complète du génome de l’agent infectieux (High-throughput sequencing: towards a genome-based diagnosis in infectious diseases) Audebert C,Hot D, Lemoine Y and Caboche S